

Image data should be properly reduced before using the pipeline for best results, including cropping the data section. Bias subtraction and flat fielding improves photometry results but is not absolutely necessary. PP’s ability to provide astrometric and photometric calibration puts some constraints on the way data is stored: data from separate fields, as well as data using different instrument settings (e.g., different binning modes) should be stored in individual directories, which in turn should be separated by filters:

-+- all_data -+
              +- field_1 -+- filter_1
              |           +- filter_2
              |           +- filter_3
              +- field_2 -+- filter_1
              |           +- filter_2

Separate fields are defined as having gaps between individual frames that are comparable to, or larger than, the field of view. Series of frames that were tracked on a moving target can be put in the same directory if the total track is smaller than 3-5 times the size of a single-frame field of view.

Moving objects are currently only identified based on the images’ OBJECT keywords. The object name should be as simple as possible, consisting either of the bodies official number or designation; please use either a blank or an underscore to separate the designation’s year from the identifier.

Running PP

PP can be run in a fully automated or semi-automated mode, providing different levels of user interaction.

Fully Automated Mode

In the directory tree example above, PP can be run in different places, treating the data differently. If you want to run PP only on data for one field and filter, you can change in that directory and run PP locally on all fits files in that directory:

cd all_data/field_1/filter_1
pp_run *fits

If your data are organized as shown in the example above, you can run PP from any higher level directory to analyze all underlying directories in a consecutive way:

cd all_data
pp_run all

Passing all signalizes PP to walk through underlying directories, starting from the current one. What happens is that PP creates a PP subprocess for each data directory. In case you want PP to only run on a subset of fits files starting with a certain prefix, you can use option -prefix, e.g.,

pp_run -prefix reduced all

is the equivalent of using only files that are included in reduced*.fits.

Semi-Automated Mode Walkthrough

This section describes the individual steps PP takes to analyze the data. While pp_run performs these steps automatically, each of the following functions can be called manually, which allows to tweak the analysis process. If you intend to perform the analysis fully manually, please note the individual functions have to be called in the following order:

  • pp_prepare(): prepare the input images and implant rough WCS information into the image header
  • pp_register(): use SCAMP to register all input images based on the implanted rough WCS information; different catalogs are tried until all images have been registered ; this function calls pp_extract() automatically
  • pp_photometry(): derive instrumental magnitudes using a curve-of-growth analysis, or a manually provided aperture radius
  • pp_calibrate(): photometrically calibrate instrumental magnitudes and create a SQLite database file for each image; note that this function has to be called even if you plan on using instrumental magnitudes only (use the -instrumental option)
  • pp_distill(): extract target information from the photometry databases created by the previous task; see the function reference for the different options of target identification

Manual Target Identification

In case the target has no identifier, or positions/ephemerides cannot be obtained automatically (e.g., space debris, newly discovered asteroids, etc.), or you want to verify the calibration accuracy using a manually selected control star in the field, the target has to be identified manually from the image data using pp_manident().

Image data are at minimum required to have passed pp_prepare(), pp_photometry(), and pp_calibrate(); pp_manident() may also be called after a full pp_run() call. In order to identify the target in all images, pp_manident() allows you to browse through all images and click on the target. The trajectory of the target is fit using a spline function. Quitting pp_manident() creates a positions.dat file, which can be used as input for pp_distill() using the -positions option.

The manual target identification also allows the user to extract photometry from images with highly trailed background stars. In that case, the resulting photometry will consist of instrumental magnitudes. Hence, pp_register() does not have to be called and pp_calibrate() should be called using the -instrumental option. Positions used in the target identification and listed in the final photometry file are based on the rough WCS information implanted by pp_prepare() and should not be trusted!

PP Diagnostics

PP generates by default significant amounts of diagnostic information on each run. These information can be accessed in the individual directories where the data resides with any web browser, e.g.,

firefox all_data/field_2/filter_3/diagnostics.html

If you ran PP with the all argument (see above), a file summary.html will be generated in the root directory (all_data), which provides links to the individual index.html files.

More information on the diagnostic output is available here: Diagnostics.


PP derives the calibrated photometry for the target that it finds in the OBJECT header keyword, as well as one rather bright ‘control star’ that is used to check the consistency of the photometric calibration. Results are written to files photometry_<objectname>.dat in the respective filter directory.

Although PP is designed to run mostly automatically, some common sense is required to make sure the results are reliable.